dedicated • passionate • determined
Daily Rates
All prices are quoted in US dollars and set per season A booking will only be confirmed when a minimum of 30% of the total daily rates is received as a deposit. Payment of a minimum of 30% of the total daily rates will determine the trophy fees by the year in which the hunt will take place, whereas a payment of 100% of the total daily rates will lock the trophy fees at the rates of the year in which a deposit is received, unless stated differently within your contract. The outstanding balance of the total daily rates is due upon arrival at camp. Daily rates start on day of arrival at airport and ends on day of departure. Final bill to be settled upon day of departure. No refund of deposit can be made if safari is cancelled 9 months or less, prior to commencement. Booking may be postponed to an alternative date in the same season or the following season without a penalty. Any further cancellation, regardless the notification period results in a 100% forfei t. All payments to be made in cash, wire transfer, credit card or PayPal payment. No cheques!
Hunting Packages
All prices are quoted in US dollars and set per season A booking will only be confirmed when a minimum of 30% of the pack age price is received as a deposit. Payment of a minimum of 30% of the package price will determine the trophy fees by the year in which the hunt will take place, whereas a payment of 100% of the package price will lock the trophy fees of any additional animals at the rates of the year in which a deposit is received, unless stated differently within your contract. The outstanding balance of the package price is due upon arrival at camp. Daily rates start on day of arrival at airport and ends on day of dep arture. Final bill to be settled upon day of departure. Should you prefer to trade a animal included in the package with another animal, the credit given will be the price on the most recent pricelist, minus approximately 15% on your chosen animal. The tr ophy credit will be indicated on each package. No refund of deposit can be made if safari is cancelled 9 months or less, prior to commencement. Booking may be postponed to an alternative date in the same season or the following season without a penalty. An y further cancellation, regardless the notification period results in a 100% forfeit. All payments to be made in cash, wire transfer, credit card or PayPal payment. No cheques!
Hunts sold on auction
All prices are quoted in US dolla rs and set per season A booking will only be confirmed when a $1000 deposit per hunter is received. This payment will be credited towards your bill once the hunt is concluded. Payment of $1000 per hunter will determine the trophy fees of any additional ani mals by the year in which the hunt will take place and NOT the year in which the deposit was received. Donation hunts are only available March – May or September – November. Donation hunts are only valid for 2 years from date of auction. Daily rates start on day of arrival at airport and ends on day of departure. Donation hunts may be upgraded to include additional species/days/hunters or observers exceeding the credit at current price list. Animals included in the donation CAN NOT be traded with other animals on the pricelist. NO CREDIT will be given on animals not harvested, days or trophy fees not used that were included in the donation and/or package. Animals not harvested, days or trophy fees not used CAN NOT be transferred to future safaris. Ownership of donations CAN NOT be transferred or resold. Final bill to be settled upon day of departure. No refund of deposit can be made if safari is cancelled 9 months or less, prior to commencement. Booking may be postponed to an alternative date in the same season or the following season without a penalty. Any further cancellation, regardless the notification period results in a 100% forfeit. All payments to be made in cash, wire transfer, credit card or PayPal payment. No cheques